Monday, July 12, 2004

The road ahead..

.is treacherous I know, but I have to walk it. Talking of motivation, what is it? I still dont know. Does it come from fear or shall I euphemize it to "concern for future"? One bottomline is one should fear future. May be its not fully correct, but do I need an absolute truth? Wont a practical, hypothesized reality work? After all, I am an engineer not a philosopher. My job is to get things to work, not search for the ultimate. Does that mean an engineer holds much more importance to a society than a philosopher? Gears against metaphysics, will anyone be interested in this battle?
Where am I going,let me stick to myself. Do I want to be a winner or a loser? Before answering this question, I need to have a working definition of both the terms and also see if there's another category in the middle. I think its all relative, depends on situation, perspective. For now, relativity is the absolute. So, now lets define what I want to be in what situation and whose perspective. Winner of course, in terms of oft-repeated categories of money,fame and family. It was really simple :) Till I get that, I cannot move ahead wherein both getting there and moving ahead are of equal relevence. Also, to get there thoughts of moving ahead should be put to hibernation for now. Inevitabilty not banality should be attributed to "hardwork".

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