Friday, August 18, 2006

Tears of the sun

I want to cry the whole night today,
cry into the hollows of broken dreams,
for eerie haunting carcasses of vanquished hopes,
to deafen the depths of this unending silence.

But how can I?
I'm a grown up man,
with a stong will,
a power to ride over emotions,
a strength to wipe my own tears.

I want to throw this mask away,
that I have donned for eons now.
I want to be weak for a moment,
for the burden of strength is too heavy.
I want to cry, to laugh, to play, to fall down,
to rise awkwardly, to be a fool again, as a child.

But how can I?
I'm a grown up man.
With wisdom my forte,
I stand tall after my failures,
heartless, stoic, unruffled.

What if I want to have a heart,
for a moment, just for once?


Anonymous said...

"What if I want to have a heart,
for a moment, just for once"

Personally whenever I feel like crying or screaming as if I am a kid, I feel bit relaxed also because then I realize that I "still" have that small child inside...... that I still have that innocent "heart".....

Anonymous said...

You are a very fortunate girl :)

Anonymous said...

Well said..
Never hope is the key.. Never expect.. Coz more often then not , they are mercilessly killed..

Anonymous said...

I hate you for this.. Why are u making me feel as if im dead?

Anonymous said...

hmn...then u must cry and unburden urself, tears are not a sign of takes courage to even accept that u are not strong always, that it's okay to be weak at times...

Anonymous said...

I would say, "Always keep hope, for a man without hope isn't alive."

What can I say? I always called you, may be you did not hear my voice.

What you say is right, but not always possible. One does not always find a shoulder to cry on.

Anonymous said...

But how can I...I would rather say y cant u...u have the realization of what u feel like doing...that in itself is more than enough...just go ahead and do what u feel like...let ur emotions come out...dont let the child in u die...esle u would lose the essence of life...and being strong wont make any sense if the feeling of being weak is lost.

Poonam Nigam said...

i like the way you right,good work[:)]

Anonymous said...

I miss you :(.

Moon said...

This poem is really touching and i feel like as if this poem relates to my emotions well.. except the last i dont hold back my tears...though i dont show them to this world either ..but whenever i feel like crying ..i just do it..and i feel light ..but not for long..the heaviness stays away for very short time ..and then again ..dont know from where..i get all those eerie emotions haunting me all over again..i just cant hold my tears back..and :)..cry again...i m a sweet and innocent kid..i will never kill that child ...ohh..but I really liked this poem..keep writing..gud luck.

Anonymous said...

waoo..ashish..u write just amazing...
ur writing touches the soul...